Sunday, June 15, 2008

Kung Fu Panda (2008)

The opening lines of the animated Dreamworks movie Kung Fu Panda:

Legend tells of a legendary warrior whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend. It is said that his enemies would go blind from over-exposure to pure awesomeness!

I saw this movie today for Father's Day with my six year old daughter. A PubMed search with the terms "blindness" and "awesomeness" generated no hits, and I am unaware of case reports of vision loss related to viewing awesome Kung Fu.

We both enjoyed the movie, and I was impressed with the detail of the animation, particularly in the low light scenes. The kiddo pretty much laughed through all of the movie. I give Kung Fu Panda a B + . Of note, the showing we saw was in a Digital Light Processing (DLP) projection theater, which I thought looked fantastic. I don't really understand all of the technology associated with this, but check out this eye related tidbit on DLP from Wikipedia:

According to, the three-chip projectors used in movie theaters can produce 35 trillion colors, which many suggest is more than the human eye can detect. The human eye is suggested to be able to detect around 16 million colors, which is theoretically possible with the single chip solution. However, this high color precision does not mean that DLP projectors are capable of displaying the entire gamut of colors we can distinguish.

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